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Eminent Speaker

Stavroula Zervopoulou




Stavroula Zervopoulou is a Research Project Assistant in the Process Systems Engineering for Sustainable Resources Research Group of the Institute of Chemical, Environmental, and Bioscience Engineering of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry at Vienna University of Technology in Austria. She is currently involved in the Circular Fuels project funded by the EU Horizon program (https://circularfuels.eu/) while conducting her Doctoral Research. She holds a 5-year Integrated Master's in Mineral Resources Engineering from the Technical University of Crete. She has completed three postgraduate degrees: Administration and Management of Industrial Systems (University of Piraeus & NTUA), Business Administration – Banking and Finance (Open University of Cyprus), and Petroleum Engineering (Imperial College London). Additionally, she earned a second degree in Energy Economics from the Open University of Cyprus. She has worked as a Research Assistant at the University of Piraeus (Thales Programme) and has authored/co-authored five scholarly papers. With six years of experience in both the private and public sectors, she has expertise as a Mineral Resources and Petroleum Engineer.

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