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Biofuel is an energy source derived from organic materials, such as plants, animal waste, and algae, known as biomass. Biofuels are considered renewable because their source materials can be replenished relatively quickly compared to fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. They are used primarily in transportation, power generation, and heating.

Related Tags: Biofuels and Bioproducts Conference | Biofuels, Biomass Energy and Conversion Technologies Conference Bioenergy Conferences 2024 | Bioenergy Congress 2024 | Seminar for Biofuel | Clean Fuels Conference 2024 | BBRT 2024 | 17th annual International Biomass Conference & Expo | GEM - 2024 | Biomass Energy Symposium and Meeting | Biofuel World Webinar | Biomass Power Event | Renewable Energy Forecasting and Modelling Conference | Green Economy Conference | Environment, Energy and Chemical Engineering Conference | Energy Storage in Smart Grids Conference

Related Societies: Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers America | American Chemical Society  | Belgian Society of Biochemistry | Canadian Society for Chemical Technology  |Chinese-American Chemical Society  | Biochemical Society  | Danish Chemical Society | Korean Chemical Society  | Norwegian Chemical Society  | Society for Chemical Engineering North America | European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences |  Society of Chemical Engineers New Zealand | Israel Institute of Chemical Engineers | French Society of Process Engineering

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