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Sina Rezaei Gomari

Associate Professor

Teesside University



Dr. Gomari is an associate professor of research in energy and environmental engineering. He completed his MSc in Petroleum Engineering in 2003 from NTNU, Norway followed by his Ph.D. at the University of Stavanger in 2006. He has gained 12 years of industrial experience with the National Iranian Oil Company, and Statoil ASA ( Equinor ) before joining Teesside University. He helped the TU team to establish the Energy lab that has been used by several Ph.D., and MSc students to complete their research on energy and environmental engineering, CCUS, fluid flow in porous media, and hydrogen topics. He has been as director of the studies for several Ph.D. students, published several high-impact factor journal papers, and acted as an assessor for several Ph.D. and MSc theses. The focus of Dr Gomari's diverse research path has been and continues to be key aspects of the geo-energy sector, earth sciences, geopolymer, waste management, carbon capture and storage, hydrogen production, transportation, and storage. Within the last few years, he has also brought the digitalization concept into his research activities to enrich the outcome and use the resources in a smarter manner which by itself helps in reducing CO2 emissions. His multi-disciplinary research has been recognized internationally within the earth sciences, including novel methods for the quantification of rock surfaces, intermolecular forces, porous media, smarter use of underground resources, biomaterials, CO2 capture, and geological storage. In connection to the above topics and his research activities within the net zero domain, he has secured several research fundings as Principal Investigator including international funds from Qatar -NPRP, and Saudi Arabia as well as national funding from the Royal Academic of Engineering, Innovate UK, and industrial research project with local SMEs-Scott Bros ltd and M-Connected. His major secured funding is the innovative UK project entitled Scale-up of Material Evolution technology for net zero emission concrete (MEVOCRETE) with a total value of £7,6 M led by local company Material Evolution ltd aiming to develop a new form of concrete made from the by-products of the steel and chemical industries. Currently, he is a chartered engineer of Energy Institute, Editor in Chief and Guest Editor for several international journals, a member of SPE and EAGE associations, and course leader for MSc Petroleum Engineering at Teesside University.

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