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Scientific Committee

Hung-Hao Chang


National Taiwan University



Hung-Hao Chang received his Ph.D in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University in 2006. In 2006, he joined the Department of Agricultural Economics at National Taiwan University (NTU) as an assistant professor, and had been promoted as a full professor in 2014. His research interest focuses on the evaluation of agricultural and public policy, farm household economics, food consumption and economic analysis of competition law on digital economy. He has been a co-editor of Food Policy, an associate editor of Agricultural Economics, Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, and the managing editor of Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. Since 2006, he has published more than 100 articles in several top field journals, including American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Food Policy, Journal of Health Economics, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Dairy Science etc. Between 2015 and 2018, he was on leave from NTU and worked as a full-time commissioner of the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (TFTC). In TFTC, he was in charge of international cooperation and promoting economic analysis in competition law issues. He was a country representative of Taiwan in the OECD, ICN, EATOP, and OECD-ICN chief economist meetings.

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