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Eminent Speaker

Dr. Kozma Naka

Associate Professor

Alabama A&M University



Dr. Kozma Naka is currently an Associate Professor of Forest Operations and Measurements at Alabama A&M University (AAMU) and the Coordinator of the Forestry, Ecology, and Wildlife Program. He teaches Forest Mensuration, Forest Operations, Wood Products, and Forestry Field Techniques. His research includes forest operations, forest recreation, forest disturbances and climatic change impacts, hardwood management, forest ecosystem restoration, and agroforestry. He is a member of the Society of American Foresters, Forest Products Society, Alabama Forestry Council, and Alabama Forestry Association. He has traveled to China for five summers (2014-2018) to conduct forestry and wildlife habitat research and as a faculty mentor for the AAMU REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) program. He is a member of the curriculum committee in a USAID-funded project for coordinating efforts to co-create forestry program curricula and provide capacity-building assistance consistent with the needs of Liberian education institutions in the establishment of the Center of Excellence for Forestry, Biodiversity, and Conservation Leadership and Green Enterprise Development in Liberia.

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